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Agile People Fundamentals + Leadership (ICP-LEA) English

Oct 4 - Oct 18, 15:00 - 18:00 SGT


About this Certification

This Masterclass is designed in a theoretical-practical format, which includes work before and after the Masterclass to support your learning journey before, during, and after the Masterclass. The course consists of one orientation session (2 hours) followed by 6 days of 3 hours, for a total of 20 hours.

Self-study of theory and key concepts via course videos and reading in our comprehensive LMS system
1x2 hour orientation session and 6x3 hour live sessions via Zoom where we engage in active discussion, exploration, and practice
post-work report writing
Access to the course LMS is available for a total of 16 weeks.

About this Workshop

Why take this course?


Today the most progressive companies have changed the formal management role to a more servant leadership role, realizing that people are most productive, creative, and happy when they have personal control over their own lives and the ability to be leaders of their destiny, private or work-related. In these organizations, everybody is expected to be a leader, so there is paradoxical, a lot more leadership there.

Although the changed view on leaders and of the formal manager role is far from mainstream today, many organizations are experimenting with alternative structures, replacing budgets with forecasts and dynamic resource allocations, to create the best possible value.

In today's fast-paced world we see more and more self-organization and self-leadership within people and teams. Information and knowledge are transparent to everyone, and power is not anymore in the hands of a few.

Does that mean traditional leaders or HR managers and the like become obsolete? Or is there an alternative future role that would be a natural step when leaving the process-oriented and transactional leadership style in favor of ways of working more suitable for a complex reality?
You will leave this experience having gained both knowledge and practical skills to bring forward new ways of working and being that enable leading in agility within yourself to then enable others and in the environment creating lasting change, engagement, and a truly empowered workplace.

Course Schedule
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Oct 4, Mon, 15:00 - 17:00 (SGT)
Oct 6, Wed, 15:00 - 18:00 (SGT)
Oct 8, Fri, 15:00 - 18:00 (SGT)
Oct 11, Mon, 15:00 - 18:00 (SGT)
Oct 13, Wed, 15:00 - 18:00 (SGT)
Oct 15, Fri, 15:00 - 18:00 (SGT)
Oct 18, Mon, 15:00 - 18:00 (SGT)
Agile People Fundamentals


The foundation of Agile Peoples’ mindset is about the principles, values, methods, and tools that we need to start using to release competence and innovation – and what we stop doing. We discuss your challenges and go through the certification assignment. This session is an introduction to the agile way of working and thinking


Psychological safety as a foundation for a learning organization: The importance of an approach that is pervaded by security and confidence to increase profitability and innovation - to increase creativity through a culture where it is ok to fail and try again. We play "The Psychological Safety Game" to facilitate dialogue about difficult topics.


Emerging strategies, structures, and goals: Emerging strategies instead of long-term planning, new ways of working with strategy, budgets, goals, performance processes, and rewards. Using value stream mapping to optimize flows in a system instead of working with resource optimization and sub-optimization of departments. Mindset Slider exercise. WoWs to be used: Beyond Budgeting, OKRs, Impact Mapping, VSM, etc.


Building conditions for agile culture: Creating conditions for a fantastic culture where people can perform at their optimal level with a sense of being supported and secure. The gap between structures and culture/values. Structure - Culture Misfit Role Play. The importance of country culture for an Agile transformation.


Creating Conditions for Change: Boundary Spanning and the Buddy System to increase cross-border collaboration and increase the opportunity to create a fantastic organization together. Tips and examples for the change journey and how HR and managers need to change their own roles to support it.

Agile People Leadership


The Why & What of Leading with Agility: Exploring the changing environment & dynamics that call for a different approach to leading and following. What are some of the attitudes, expectations, and concrete behaviors we expect to see from people who lead with agility?


Behaviors that Enable Agility: In making a radical change or transformation, understanding where are we coming from, where are we now, and what we are heading towards is crucial. We explore the evolution of leadership theories and styles and the dynamics of power & influence, and how we can grow our own personal agility.


Knowing & Connecting with Yourself: Leading others starts with developing our own self-leadership. In this session, we explore the inner game of leading.. self-awareness, heuristics (cognitive biases), and specific leadership mind-traps. How we can become more mindful in unlocking those mind-traps to grow as leaders.


Developing & Leading Ourselves: We explore the Clear Leadership model developed by Gervase Bushe, and how to develop the 4 selves of the Leader.. the Aware Self, the Descriptive Self, the Curious Self, and the Appreciative Self. We explore several key contexts where we can put these into practice… to better check in with people; give and receive effective feedback, step into coaching leadership, and defusing conflicts through creating inter-personal clarity.


Skillful Communication: Communicating effectively; relating to others, creating and maintaining healthy interactions, having productive conversations, and ultimately the ability to influence others requires both practice and an understanding of the dynamics of effective communication. In this session, explore several mental models that enable better communication, and the power of effective storytelling to move and influence others.


Who is this course suitable for?


These books written by
Pia-Maria Thoren are included in digital format.

    Operational Managers and Business Consultants (private, public sector)

    Directors and Team Leaders (interested in Agile transformations)

    Agile Coaches (interested in change management towards Agility)

    Scrum Masters (interested in Agile transformations)

    Change Agents (responsible for Agile transformation initiatives)

    Change Managers (interested in learning about modern change tools and methods designed to respond to the constant speed of change in an organization)

    HR Professionals (interested in transforming organizations to more Agile ways of working)

    Organizational development consultants hiring managers and Agile transformation leads exploring the people, and structural aspects of transformations will also find this curriculum compelling.

Online Delivery

This course will be delivered online. Prior to our first session, you will receive access to the Agile

People Learning Management System where you will access all of the course content, workbooks, and supporting materials.

We are working with Zoom for live sessions, Mural as a digital canvas for collaboration, and Slack for communication between the sessions.

We will provide you with guided information to access all of the various tools prior to our first session as well as ongoing throughout the experience.

The certification assignment can be accomplished in the time between the sessions so that you will be ready on the day of the last session. But in this intense tempo, we recommend that you do the assignment after the training has finished.

Events cancellation policy

If you should have to cancel your registration, a notification in writing should be sent to Please make sure you state the name of the conference/event in the subject line of your email.

The online course requires a minimum number of attendees to happen (quorum)

Confirmation of the online course will be sent to all registered attendees as soon as the quorum is reached and, in any case, not later than one week from the beginning of the course

The cancellation policy for registered attendees is:

for cancellations received no later than 2 weeks before the start of the course, 100% of the registration fee will be refunded

for cancellations received no later than 1 week before the start of the course, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded

No refund for cancellations received one week or less before the start of the course. The attendee will still have access to all training material and to the e-learning platform.

An attendee may transfer their registration to another person, as long as the request is received by the organizers not later than 24 hours before the start of the course.

In case the organizer is forced to cancel the entire course because the quorum was not reached: registered attendees will be refunded in full.


Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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